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Description for Part Number 6344

Ruby Capsule Inserts

Using these Ruby Capsule Inserts, you'll notice great heat retention properties, creating the ability to extend your session time while also really dialing in your preferred temperature. Ruby is one of the smoothest and tastiest materials your wax can come across.

Heal yourself! "Ruby protects against the loss of heart energy and dissolves emotional congestion. A powerful healer, Ruby heals and balances emotions, making the holder more emotionally aware, as well as helping them to connect to others emotionally."

  • Includes: (3) Ruby Capsule Inserts
  • Size: 3mm x 10mm
  • Ruby Gemstones

*Does not include the Quartz Banger pictured.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Great terp pillar

This was a great item but they did not include the size of the pillars and they were much smaller than intacapted. They are about 4mm x 10mm much to small for a terp sluper. But great for other bangers and work well. Just wish they would have had the size in the page. But they are exactly what they are supposed to be and great quality.

Hyperdab, I'll make sure we get the measurements up on those capsules, good point. We do find these to be high quality as you note. Thanks for your review and for pointing out that having the dimensions on that page would be helpful.

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